Mulberry vodka is one of the visit cards of Artsakh, a striking example of which is Ohanyan 41 Mulberry. In this vodka you can find all the properties that are characteristic of Artsakh's mulberry vodka, although a little degree is unusual for fruit vodka -41%, instead of above 50%. But this did not prevent them from retaining emotions and all other qualities that are characteristic of this vodka.
Mulberry vodka is one of the visit cards of Artsakh, a striking example of which is Ohanyan 41 Mulberry. In this vodka you can find all the properties that are characteristic of Artsakh's mulberry vodka, although a little degree is unusual for fruit vodka -41%, instead of above 50%. But this did not prevent them from retaining emotions and all other qualities that are characteristic of this vodka.
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