"Magic Tree" Honey Apricot is an organic fruit vodka created by the company's specialists from grape and apricot distillates with the addition of honey. Due to aging in oak barrels from cognac, vodka acquires a pleasant golden color and characteristic notes in taste and aroma. The harmonious aroma of vodka is filled with notes of ripe apricot, mountain herbs and flower honey. The taste of vodka is soft, pleasant, with notes of raisins and almonds, a rounded texture and a long aftertaste.
"Magic Tree" Honey Apricot is an organic fruit vodka created by the company's specialists from grape and apricot distillates with the addition of honey. Due to aging in oak barrels from cognac, vodka acquires a pleasant golden color and characteristic notes in taste and aroma. The harmonious aroma of vodka is filled with notes of ripe apricot, mountain herbs and flower honey. The taste of vodka is soft, pleasant, with notes of raisins and almonds, a rounded texture and a long aftertaste.
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